National 2017 Scott Supplements
A total of 15 pages are included in this supplement. Booklet panes containing more than one unique stamp assigned a major number will be displayed as listed in the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue and Scott New Listings Update, usually as a block of 4, 6, 8 etc. However, when possible we will allow room to display the entire booklet for those collectors who wish to do so. Scott number 4672, Bobcat coil pair on page 13 has been included in this supplement because it was omitted from the 2012 supplement. The border on page 6 had to be partially obscured to allow placement of the sheet. Page 3 contains the vertical pair of Scott 5252 & 5253, these are listed in the Scott New Listings Update as a vertical pair in tete-bechee format and displayed as such. Please allow two-three weeks for delivery since this is an on demand supplement which means when we order it it has to be printed.
Because the United States Postal Service issues mostly self-adhesive stamps we will no longer label them as such, rather we will label water-activated stamps where appropriate. To better accommodate the mounting of self-adhesive stamps, we have increased the mount size.
This supplement is complete with all listings assigned a major Scott number through December 2017 in the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue and Scott New Listings Update, found in the Linn's Stamp News monthly issue.